July 20, 2001
ITC to relinquish films, videos to library
by Anne Krapfl
The film and video collection held by Iowa State's Instructional Technology
Center (ITC) will be transferred to Reserve and Media Services in the lower
level of Parks Library over the course of the 2001-02 academic year. The
transfer process will be completed by May 20, 2002.
Those who want to check out a film or video in the collection should
continue to use the service through ITC in the Communications Building until
May 20.
Don Rieck, ITC director, said the emergence of widely-available media
resources primarily on videotape in the last 20 years has reduced reliance
on rental libraries. And in this time of university budget constraints, ITC
will focus its efforts internally on supporting campus instruction.
Rieck said his group stopped purchasing videos and DVDs (digital video
discs) on July 1. Faculty and staff who want to request a new title purchase
should contact the appropriate library specialist or Rebecca Funke,
supervisor in the library's Reserve and Media Services, 4-0412,
Current library checkout policies will apply to those new materials. An ISU
card or library visitor card must be presented at checkout. Faculty
requiring titles for classroom teaching may borrow them for two
As part of the change, ITC also will stop renting films and videos to other
institutions. Rieck said ITC will continue to offer its classroom equipment
services for on-campus users.
Questions about this change in campus video services may be directed to Pam
Williams, Parks Library, 4-0443; or Rieck, ITC, 4-8022.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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