July 20, 2001
Not your typical bedtime reading
Linda Poore, an administrative specialist with the Center for Nondestructive
Evaluation, is volunteering to record parts of a psychology textbook this
summer for use by a student this fall. Iowa State's Disability Resources
program typically needs audio recordings of 150 to 200 textbooks per
semester for blind or dyslexic students. On average, about 50 titles are
available through a national leasing service; for the rest, the program
relies on local readers. Twenty-one volunteers are reading 42 textbooks for
fall semester; another 17 volunteers await their first assignment. Computer
software that takes scanned text and converts it to an audio recording also
helps the program's staff in 11th-hour situations. Photo by Bob
Elbert. |
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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