July 20, 2001
New job responsibilities
The following Iowa Staters have accepted new responsibilities, effective
this month or next:
Van Auken named to center post
Howard Van Auken, professor of management in the College of Business, has
been named assistant director of academic programs for the Pappajohn Center
for Entrepreneurship. Van Auken will develop graduate and undergraduate
entrepreneurship education programs and coordinate the multi-college
Entrepreneurship Supervisory Faculty. He will work between the center and
the college to identify potential students for internships, promote
entrepreneurship ties with the college's faculty, and build stronger ties
with the community.
Sharp chairs board that oversees use of human subjects in
Rick Sharp has been named chair of the Institutional Review Board. The
board reviews and acts on all protocols related to the use of human subjects
in research and reports to the office of the vice provost for research and
advanced studies. Sharp has been at Iowa State since 1982 and is a professor
in the departments of health and human performance; food science and human
nutrition; and biomedical sciences. The human subjects research office is in
the office of sponsored programs administration, 15 Pearson. Contact Janell
Meldrem (4-4566 or e-mail
meldrem@iastate.edu) for assistance.
Peterson named to research administration post
Thane Peterson, director of the Office of Sponsored and Clinical Research of
Iowa Health System, Des Moines, has been named director of the Iowa State's
Office of Sponsored Programs Administration, effective July 23. Peterson has
been with the Iowa Health System since 1996. Prior to this, he worked in
research administration at Evanston (Ill.) Northwestern Healthcare Research
Institute (1995-1996) and Wright State University (1993-1995). He served in
several roles in Iowa State's contracts and grants office from 1989 to 1993.
Val Kettner, who was serving as acting director of the office, is leaving
Iowa State to become assistant vice president for sponsored funding
administration at North Dakota State University, Fargo.
Brooke accepts two-year post
Corly Brooke, professor of human development and family studies and director
of the Center for Teaching Excellence since 1998, has been appointed
associate vice provost for undergraduate programs. The appointment is for
two years. Brooke will keep her position as CTE director and take on a
broader administrative role for teaching and learning enhancement, including
co-directing learning communities with Doug Gruenewald, ISU's assistant
director of residence. Brooke also will assist vice provost Howard Shapiro
in improving student evaluation of teaching; fostering increased scholarship
of teaching and learning; and promoting campus-wide initiatives that enhance
student learning.
New duties for LAS associate dean
Steve Rodermel, professor of botany and associate dean of budget and
personnel for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, has been named the
college's associate dean of research, effective Aug. 27. Rodermel replaces
Wolfgang Kliemann, professor of mathematics who recently was named associate
vice provost for research. An internal search to fill Rodermel's former
position will be launched soon.
Interim math chair
Justin Peters, professor of mathematics, has been named interim chair of the
mathematics department, Max Gunzburger as the department's chair. A national
search will be conducted to find a permanent replacement. Peters has been an
ISU faculty member since 1976.
New department chair
Carl Jacobson, professor of geological and atmospheric sciences, has been
named chair of the department of geological and atmospheric sciences.
Jacobson joined the Iowa State faculty in 1980 and has served two two-year
terms as associate chair of the department.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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