July 20, 2001
Honors Program moving
The Honors Program staff will move July 26-30 to 112 Pearson for the 2001-02
school year. Office phone numbers will remain the same. The new Honors
Program building, south of Horticulture Hall, is scheduled for completion in
March 2002.
Geoffroy on Talk of Iowa Aug. 1
President Gregory Geoffroy will make his first visit to WOI Radio's Talk of
Iowa on Wednesday, Aug. 1. The live, call-in show airs weekdays from 10 to
11 a.m. on WOI-AM (640).
Additional traffic lights on Stange Road
Traffic lights at the intersection of Daley Drive and Stange Road on the
north side of campus were scheduled to be activated July 19, as the last
phase in developing that intersection. The lights will make it easier for
vehicles from Daley Drive to enter Stange Road. The addition of office
buildings and the student residence neighborhood along Stange has
accelerated the number of drivers who use that stretch of Stange Road.
Driver and pedestrian safety is the ultimate goal, according to campus
Tuition grant deadline is July 27
Tuition grant applications for fall semester for eligible P&S and Merit
employees are due Friday, July 27, to Megan Wolf, 125 Beardshear. Merit
employees employed at least half time in a budgeted position for six months
are eligible for up to $450 in reimbursement for coursework toward a degree
or certificate. P&S employees employed in a budgeted position for one year
of continuous service may be reimbursed for coursework up to the cost of
three semester hours at Iowa State. Application forms for both employees
groups can be found on the Human Resource Services Web page,
http://www.adp.iastate.edu/forms/humnform.html. Questions should be directed
to Wolf, 4-6458,
Commencement is Aug. 11
Iowa State's summer commencement ceremony will begin at 9:30 a.m. Saturday,
Aug. 11, in Hilton Coliseum. A single ceremony, honoring both undergraduate
and graduate students, concludes the summer sessions. Tickets are not
required for the ceremony.
Stange Road open
Stange Road between 13th Street and Pammel Drive re-opened to four-lane
traffic July 12. In spite of some rainy weeks in May, the road project was
completed ahead of the scheduled completion date, Aug. 1.
New indirect costs rates
Faculty and staff submitting sponsored funding proposals and agreements
should use the new facilities and administrative (indirect cost) rates of 46
percent for on-campus activities and 26 percent for off-campus activities.
The rates reflect a recently negotiated agreement with the federal
government. ISU officials say the new rates should be used immediately on
all projects allowing full indirect costs. The off-campus rate should be
used when research is performed in a facility not owned by the university or
when rent is allocated directly to a project. If more than 50 percent of a
project is done off-campus, the off-campus rate applies to the entire
project. For more information, contact Diane Meyer, 4-4567; or Kathy Dobbs,
It's race week
Iowa State's student-run Team PrISUm and its car, PrISUm Odyssey, are
competing this week in the American Solar Challenge, a Chicago-
to-suburban-Los Angeles, 11-day marathon. At 2,300 miles, the American Solar
Challenge is the longest solar car race ever attempted.
Today's News on the ISU Web site for daily race updates.
ISU hosts Shrine Bowl game
Iowa State will host the 29th annual Iowa Shrine Bowl football game
Saturday, July 28, at Jack Trice Stadium. Kick-off is at 5 p.m. Tickets are
$8 and proceeds benefit Shriner's Children Hospitals.
The Shrine Bowl will feature 88 May graduates of Iowa high schools. Half of
the group represents schools north of Iowa Highway 30, while the other half
represents schools south of Highway 30. The players were nominated by their
schools and chosen by groups of coaches.
The Iowa Shrine Bowl parade begins at 11:30 a.m. that day in downtown
Road closings during Iowa Games
Several campus roads will close during portions of the July 20-21 weekend
for Iowa Games events on campus. South Fourth Street, between the Iowa State
Center parking lot and the Jacobson Building, will be closed from about 4:30
to 10 p.m. Friday, July 20, for opening ceremonies at Jack Trice Stadium.
The central campus loop (Morrill Road, Union Drive, Wallace Road and Osborn
Drive) will be closed from 7:30 a.m. to about 4 p.m. Saturday, July 21, for
a bike race. Those needing to access central campus buildings Saturday
should park in lots to the west.
Student recruitment and retention proposals due Aug. 10
The retention and recruitment standing committee of the P&S Council is
accepting proposals for innovative projects during the 2001-02 school year
that encourage students to attend and stay at Iowa State. Collaborative
efforts between colleges and units are encouraged; proposals also may
involve faculty and merit employees. $30,000 in grants is available this
Proposals are due by noon Friday, Aug. 10, to committee chair Kurt Roberts,
N002 Lagomarcino. Grant recipients will be announced Aug. 17 and funding
will be available for the beginning of fall semester. For more information,
including criteria and application forms, visit the retention and
recruitment grant Web site,
http://www.iastate.edu/~ps_info/RandR.html, or
contact Roberts, 4-3676.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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