June 29, 2001
Regents approve Osborn Cottage demolition
Osborn Cottage will be demolished later this summer to make room for the
College of Business' new building. The Board of Regents, State of Iowa,
approved the demolition at its June 12 meeting in Ames. The $10,000
demolition cost is included in the budget for the new building. Habitat for
Humanity officials, who this spring expressed interest in moving and using
the building, have withdrawn the request.
The Honors Program will move to 112 Pearson July 26-30 for the 2001-02
academic year.
In other action, the regents:
- Approved the merger of three departments in the College of Family
and Consumer Sciences (textiles and clothing; hotel, restaurant and
institution management; and family and consumer sciences education and
studies) into one department: the department of apparel, educational studies
and hospitality management. Each curriculum will remain separate.
- Approved a five-year contract with SMG, Philadelphia, to manage the Iowa
State Center, beginning July 1.
- Approved changes to the Professional and Scientific classification system,
including 13 new classifications and pay grade jumps for seven
classifications. Three classifications were deleted, due to changes or
obsolete titles.
- Deferred action on the future of the phased and early retirement programs
to the July 18-19 meeting in Iowa City.
- Approved a revised budget for the remodeling of Beardshear Hall (an
additional $1.9 million) to replace 300-plus windows, repair and paint the
atrium and rotunda areas, and add more first-floor lighting and
telecommunications improvements.
- Toured Iowa State's C6 virtual reality cave in Howe Hall.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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