June 29, 2001
Campus markers note Iowa State achievements
by Steve Sullivan
Blue cheese, round hay bales and first land-grant status are among Iowa
State accomplishments celebrated on a new series of historical signs. The
signs are intended to inform visitors, new students and the campus community
about significant accomplishments of national or international importance
that occurred on campus. Installation on the first 16 began earlier this
The subjects of the first 16 were suggested by Iowa State colleges and other
Carole Custer, university marketing director, oversaw the project.
Suggestions for future signs can be submitted to her at
The sign project has been in the works for two years and was funded by the
President's Office.
Following is a list of the first 16 signs and their building locations.
- First land-grant (near Beardshear)
- Birthplace of the computer (Physics)
- A faster fax (Coover)
- First statistical laboratory (Snedecor)
- Finest blue cheese (Food Sciences)
- Pure uranium (near Wilhelm)
- Birthplace of cooperative extension (between Catt and Curtiss halls)
- Largest Grant Wood murals (Parks library)
- First land-grant home economics college (MacKay)
- Round hay bales (Davidson)
- First artist-in-residence (between Palmer and MacKay halls)
- First water tower west of the Mississippi (near Marston)
- Chemical analysis innovation (Gilman)
- First vet med college (College of Vet Med and Lagomarcino Hall)
- First ag engineering degree (Davidson)
- Campaniling (Campanile)
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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