Inside Iowa State
January 21, 2000
Michael Moore will open national institute Sunday
by Anne Krapfl
The ISU lecture series will continue this spring to address topics of national and international interest.The series opens Sunday (Jan. 23), on the eve of Iowa caucuses, when author and producer Michael Moore will lead a video presentation, Television in America. Moore was host and executive director of the TV newsmagazine program, TV Nation. He currently hosts and produces the show The Awful Truth. He wrote Downsize This: Random Threats from an Unarmed Americaand Adventures in a TV Nation.
Moore's talk is the beginning of the annual Institute on National Affairs, which this year looks at the role of television in this country. His talk begins at 8 p.m. in the Memorial Union Sun Room.
Events from "Channeling Reality: Television in America" will continue in early February and conclude March 21 with a talk on media monopoly by Ben Bagdikian, a former assistant managing editor at The Washington Post. The institute will include a noon session Wednesday, Feb. 1, of video clips of WOI-TV's The Magic Window,with an introduction by Tanya Zanish-Belcher, acting head of the Iowa State library's special collections department. (Institute on National Affairs calendar)
In other campus lectures, John Dominic Crossan, professor emeritus in religious studies at DePaul University, Chicago, will talk Feb. 4 on the historical Jesus. Crossan co-chaired a 12-year seminar (1985-1996) on Jesus, which held biannual debates on the historic authenticity of Jesus' life. He has been interviewed for more than 150 television and radio shows on the life of Jesus.
Family therapy specialist Brent Atkinson will present a lecture March 9 titled "The Brain and Intimate Behavior: The Neurophysiology of Emotion and Close Interpersonal Relationships." Atkinson directs the Specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy Program, Northern Illinois University.
March also is Women's History Month, and guest speakers will address topics that include a journey from a pro-choice to a pro-life alignment and refocusing American history to highlight women's contributions.
World-renowned opera star and Iowa native Simon Estes returns to campus March 22-23 as part of a residency with the music department. (Estes also was on campus in September.) He will present two public lectures during his visit, one on breaking racial barriers in South Africa and one on his work to create a musical based on the life of Martin Luther King Jr.
The annual American Indian Symposium will be March 30-31. More details will be released this spring.
Former Lockheed Martin Corp. chairman Norman Augustine will visit campus April 4 for a lecture on "how the world works" from an engineer's perspective.
Actor Wilson Cruz, who played gay teenager Ricki Vasquez on the TV show My So-Called Life,will give a talk April 6 titled "My So-Called Life-Style." Cruz is a spokesperson and volunteer for the Los Angeles Gay Community Center's teen program.
All lecture series events are free and included in the Insidecalendar (page 8 of the printed version) and in the online calendar on Iowa State's Web site ("events").
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0121/moore.htmlRevised 1/20/00