Inside Iowa State
January 21, 2000
Institute on National Affairs
"Channeling Reality: Television in America"
Jan. 23-Feb. 2
Friday, January 21
1:30 p.m., Washington Week in Review,panelists: David Broder, Washington Post; Gloria Border, U.S. News and World Reportand CBS News; Elizabeth Arnold, National Public Radio; and moderator Gwen Ifill, formerly with The New York Timesand NBC News, taping begins at 2 p.m., audience should be seated by 1:30 p.m., free, Stephens, 4-4340.
Sunday, January 23
8 p.m., Video presentation, Television in America,Michael Moore, producer of The Awful Truthtelevision show, Sun Room, Memorial Union.
Thursday, January 27
8 p.m., Jetsons Film Festival, "A Technological Saturday Morning," Larry Genalo, ISU materials science and engineering, free, Maintenance Shop, Memorial Union.
Tuesday, February 1
Noon, Video presentation, "Growing Up with Television in Central Iowa: WOI-TV's Magic Window," Tanya Zanish-Belcher, ISU library, Pioneer Room, Memorial Union.
8 p.m., Lecture, "The Television Whitewash," John White, NAACP, Sun Room, Memorial Union.
Wednesday, February 2
8 p.m., Lecture, "Growing Up Female with the Mass Media," Susan Douglas, University of Michigan, Sun Room, Memorial Union.
Tuesday, March 21
8 p.m., Lecture, "Sinners Wearing Haloes: When the Business Office Selects the News," Ben Bagdikian, University of California, Berkeley, Sun Room, Memorial Union.
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