Intermodal facility construction site

Oct. 13

Halfway to completion

Work is about 50 percent complete on the Ames Intermodal Facility at the west end of campustown.

Oct. 13

Five finalists named in LAS dean search

Following off-campus interviews last weekend, a search committee named five finalists for the dean's post in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Their campus visits begin Oct. 24, conclude Nov. 8 and include public forums.

Labh HIra

Labh Hira

Oct. 13

Business dean Hira will step down, remain on faculty

Business dean Labh Hira announced this week he will retire as dean when his term ends on June 30. He will remain on the faculty as a professor of accounting. Human Sciences dean Pamela White and associate provost Dawn Bratsch-Prince will co-chair the search for Hira's successor, which will begin immediately.

Oct. 13

Do's and don'ts of political activity at Iowa State

Presidential hopefuls and media have begun the traditional pre-caucus trek to Iowa. The political activity is exciting, but requires deft handling to ensure ISU doesn't promote partisan causes or candidates. Here's a useful Q&A from university counsel Paul Tanaka.

gets a flu shot

Convenient clinic

Oct. 13

Drop by the flu shot clinic

The employee flu shot clinic is under way in 205 TASF. Vaccinations are available weekdays (10 a.m.-4 p.m.) through Oct. 28.

Oct. 13

Senate endorses school of education proposal

Faculty Senate endorsed a proposed school of education and applauded streamlined research processes during the Oct. 11 meeting.

Central campus walkers

Looping central campus

Oct. 13

Taking the scenic route

Some 1,500 walkers, most of them faculty and staff, joined the campus version of the "Start Somewhere Walk," the launch for Iowa's Healthiest State Initiative.