July 7, 2011

Photo by Bob Elbert.
Cathann Kress became Iowa State's vice president for extension and outreach on July 1.
A native of Sharon Center and an ISU alumna (B.S. in social work, 1983), Kress returns to Ames from nine years of service in Washington, D.C. In the federal departments of Defense and Agriculture she led programs focusing on youth, families and family policy. Kress also has a decade of experience in state extension service. From 2000 to 2002, she was assistant director of cooperative extension and the state 4-H youth development leader for Cornell University and the state of New York. From 1992 to 2000, she served as a specialist in the areas of youth development and youth/family violence for Iowa State Extension.
In addition to her Iowa State degree, Kress earned a master's degree in counseling (1986) and Ph.D. in education (1990) from the University of Iowa.
Kress' office is in 2150 Beardshear; her office phone is 4-5390.