July 29
University photographer Bob Elbert provides a visual update of a few construction sites on campus. Watch for more next week.
July 29
Dawn Bratsch-Prince, associate dean in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and professor of Spanish, has been appointed associate provost for academic personnel. She succeeds Susan Carlson, who left for a position at the University of California.
SPEED participants
July 29
A College of Engineering summer program brings incoming multicultural freshmen to campus for academic and research opportunities.
July 29
Last July, president Gregory Geoffroy helped lead a group of American educators to Indonesia to explore educational programs between U.S. and Indonesian universities. In a follow-up report, educators call for reinvigoration of the two countries' relationship in higher education.
Where's Bob?
July 29
Do you know where university photographer Bob Elbert found this pile of mighty firewood?
July 29
In a July 23 memo to university leaders, executive vice president and provost Elizabeth Hoffman confirmed final revenue projections and expense budgets for the fiscal year that began July 1. Each college and vice president-level unit received a general university budget summary as well as its own summary.
July 29
An expert in search engine optimization (SEO) will present a couple of seminars at the University of Northern Iowa. (One seminar also may be offered online.) Iowa State employees are invited to attend any of the sessions at no cost.
Cybrids unveiled
CyRide will unveil its new fleet of 12 hybrid buses during a short ceremony and open house July 31.