May 20
Iowa State students will fan out across the globe this summer, doing everything from distributing mosquito netting in Uganda to maintaining tropical landscapes at SeaWorld.
May 20
Two interstate bus lines have made the Memorial Union a stop on their daily routes. Freight service also is part of the new service.
Vet Med mural by Michaela Mahady
May 20
The new two-story etched glass mural at the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center represents the largest mural installation ever on the ISU campus.
May 20
The final documents that will make an intermodal transportation facility a reality have been submitted. The collaborative project between ISU and the city of Ames will provide a hub for bus, bike, carpool, commuter, taxi and pedestrian traffic.
May 20
With the new Hach (chemistry) Hall heading toward completion later this summer, work also has begun to reconfigure two parking lots adjoining the site.
Turtle research at hort farm
May 20
Researchers at the ISU Horticulture Station study more than just plants. Long-term studies of painted turtles are some of the numerous animal research projects conducted at the farm.
May 20
Retirements have created some vacancies in the vanpools from all four communities currently served: Boone, Des Moines, Roland and Story City.
Streeter exhibit
Work by ISU alumna and current graduate student Paula Streeter is featured in the current exhibition in the Memorial Union Pioneer Room.