May 13
Do you know where University photographer Bob Elbert spotted this architectural embellishment?
Garden gnomes
May 13
Reiman Gardens staff has decided to expand the "decorate a gnome" project that is part of its current gnome exhibition. About 75 more of the smaller gnomes could be added to the 23 already in place. Volunteer groups or individuals are sought to paint or decorate a 3-foot gnome by June 15.
May 13
Next week's Iowa Special Olympics summer games (May 20-22) will close the Iowa Center commuter lots Thursday and Friday. Other lots and streets also will be impacted.
May 13
It's that time of year to think about completing performance reviews, if you haven't already. Associate VP for human resource services Carla Espinoza says they're a basic courtesy to employees, and responds to questions about them.
Residence recycling
May 13
Nonperishable food, unwanted clothing and working appliances were some of the items recycled by students as they moved out of the residence halls. The collection project was organized by the residence department.
May 13
When there's a problem at work, a sympathetic ear is nice, but a solution is even better. ISU ombuds officer Elaine Newell offers both.
May 13
Salary guidelines and staff reductions were among the topics discussed at the May 6 P&S Council meeting.
Season at Stephens
The Iowa State Center will host a lunch-hour preview of its 2010-11 performing arts series May 18.