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May 22, 2008 One of a kindThe spring commencement ceremonies included a new academic accessory: president Gregory Geoffroy wore a new presidential necklace commissioned by University Museums and the ISU Alumni Association. Created by sculptor Jeanne Stevens-Sollman -- the same artist who created Iowa State's mace -- the presidential necklace complements the mace. The two pieces are part of University Museums' Art on Campus collection. They will be housed in the new alumni center when it opens next month and used at each commencement ceremony. The front of the necklace features an image of the campanile, and Beardshear Hall's east portico (the campus home of the president) is on the back. The shoulder epaulets are the columns of Beardshear and contain the words Leadership and Service. The campanile links in the necklace contain the words Engagement, Learning, Discovery and Access. The reverse sides of the bronze sections have low bas reliefs of corn. Most pieces in the necklace are bronze. The seal in the center of the campanile and the links in the necklace are sterling silver. Photo by Bob Elbert. |