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April 18, 2008 AnnouncementsLibrary seminar looks at Facebook"A Face(book) in The Crowd: Online Social Networks for Engaged Learning," will be presented by Gerry McKiernan, ISU library science and technology department, Wednesday, April 23 (3:15-4:30 p.m.), in 192 Parks Library. Preregistration is required online. For more information, contact Jody Graden, 4-6117, Honors presentation is April 23Graduating seniors and other University Honors Program students will present their Honors projects Wednesday, April 23 (3:30-5:30 p.m.), in the Memorial Union Great Hall. Administrative fellow opportunityThe office of the executive vice president and provost and the ISU ADVANCE program will sponsor an administrative fellow next year in the area of work-life balance and flexible faculty careers. Applications are due May 6. Details are online. New name for cell facilityThe former Cell Facility in the Molecular Biology Building has a new name, Flow Cytometry Facility, to more accurately reflect the work that takes place there. Flow cytometry is a versatile research tool used to sort discrete cell populations or gather data on cell-surface/intracellular protein expression, gene expression, bacteria concentration and other cell-related properties. Learn about the MBA programAn informational session about Iowa State's MBA program will be held Thursday, May 1 (noon-1 p.m.), in 1360 Gerdin. Lunch will be provided. Register online or by calling 4-8118. McNair program is April 20The annual research symposium of the McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program will be held Sunday, April 20 (5-8 p.m., Knapp-Storms Commons). Poster presentations are 5 to 6 p.m.; senior oral presentations are part of a program that begins at 6 p.m. For details, call Thelma Harding, 4-2868. Under secretary to speak at philanthropy workshopSara Martinez Tucker, under secretary for the U.S. Department of Education, is the keynote speaker for the annual Women and Philanthropy workshop Tuesday, May 13 (8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Scheman). Details are online. STEM women's discussionISU ADVANCE will host a discussion for women faculty in the science, technology, engineering and math disciplines Monday, April 28 (noon-1 p.m., 3512 Memorial Union). Jan Thompson, ISU natural resource ecology and management, will host the discussion. Bring your lunch; cookies and beverages will be provided. Promoting a healthy lifestyle for cancer survivors"Power In Nutrition Knowledge" teaches cancer survivors how to improve their diet and exercise to promote a healthy lifestyle. A seminar April 26 (10-11 a.m., Nutrition and Wellness Research Center, ISU Research Park) will focus on exercises, walking shoes and sport drinks. For more information, contact Kristi Chipman, 4-8337. Graduate ag symposium is April 30The annual research symposium of the graduate program in sustainable agriculture will be held Wednesday, April 30 (2:10-5 p.m., Memorial Union Sun Room). Jason Hill, University of Minnesota, will give the keynote talk. A poster session will follow. For more information, call Charles Sauer, 4-6518. |
Diversity, women's grants awardedFunds have been awarded to eight recipients in both the women's enrichment and diversity grants programs. Recipients of the women's enrichment fund mini-grants shared $25,000. The diversity grant recipients were awarded a combined $39,866. Information on the funded proposals is available online. |