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Feb. 1, 2008

Geoffroy's charge to new group: Make ISU a model of energy efficiency

by Diana Pounds

President Gregory Geoffroy envisions Iowa State University as a model of energy efficiency -- a university that leads the way in conserving and minimizing its impact on global climate change.

He recently created a 16-member advisory committee to help him pursue that vision. The President's Advisory Committee on Energy Conservation and Global Climate Change will advise the president on policies and activities that will reduce energy use and raise environmental awareness at Iowa State.

"Part of the solution to our nation's energy problem is conservation, and that has to be on everyone's agenda," Geoffroy said. "We should be doing more, and at Iowa State we will do more.

"We ought to be as passionate about conserving energy on our own campus as we are about solving national energy problems through our work in biorenewable fuels."

Geoffroy noted some conservation efforts already are under way at Iowa State.

"I'm thankful that we have a number of groups, like the Council on Sustainability and the Energy Conservation Task Force, that already are working to conserve our energy and resources. They will play an important role in building this university into a national leader in energy conservation."

Geoffroy set some initial goals for the advisory committee, which will start work soon. He will ask the committee to:

  • Conduct a full-scale university energy audit that includes a review of ISU's electrical, heating, cooling and transportation systems. The audit will provide a baseline for measuring progress.
  • Develop plans for reducing energy use in each of the audited areas.
  • Develop energy conservation and climate change guidelines for all new construction and major renovation projects.
  • Ensure that students are well-informed about alternate energy sources, energy conservation and global climate change issues.

Geoffroy will chair the advisory committee. Other members are:

  • Chris Ahoy, associate vice president, Facilities Planning and Management
  • Floyd Barwig, director, Iowa Energy Center
  • Joseph Fuller, graduate student, mechanical engineering
  • Devin Hartman, student (senior), political science, economics, and environmental studies
  • Tahira Hira, executive assistant to the president
  • Elizabeth Hoffman, executive vice president and provost
  • George Kraus, professor, Chemistry and director, Institute for Physical Research and Technology
  • Mark Kushner, dean, College of Engineering
  • Warren Madden, vice president for Business and Finance
  • Jeri Neal, program coordinator, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Brian Phillips, student (senior), political science
  • Colleen Rogers, associate director of development, ISU Foundation, and chair of the ISU Council on Sustainability Steering Committee
  • Pat Schnable, professor, Agronomy, and director, Center for Carbon Capturing Crops
  • Kate Schwennsen, associate dean, College of Design
  • Eugene Takle, professor, Agronomy, and Geological and Atmospheric Sciences


Gregory Geoffroy


President Gregory Geoffroy and his newly appointed advisory committee seek to make Iowa State University a model of energy efficiency -- a university that leads the way in conserving energy and minimizing its impact on global climate change.