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Sep. 7, 2007

Sticks mural

Cardinal and Gold folk will find plenty to love in the sesquicentennial-inspired mural on the first floor of Parks Library. Photo by Bob Elbert.

'What We Love' mural moves to library

by Diana Pounds

The new mural that colorfully relates "what we love about Iowa State" is now on display in Parks Library (first floor reference area).

The 8-by-6 foot mural, commissioned as part of Iowa State's sesquicentennial, is teeming with quotes, phrases and campus memories of generations of Iowa Staters. The Gentle Doctor, Hub, swans, central campus, class rings, sporting events, Blue Books, spud nuts and binary numbers are among fond remembrances on the mural. Even the ubiquitous campus crow (surely more brash than beloved) made it onto the mural.

The mural was created by artist Sarah Grant with the assistance of her designers at Sticks, the Des Moines sculptural art studio. Debuting Veishea weekend, the mural later was on display at the Christian Petersen Art Museum in Morrill Hall and the Iowa State Fair.

Sticks created 150 limited edition framed lithographs of the What We Love About Iowa State mural. They're available through the Sticks Web site.


The 'What We Love About Iowa State' mural is currently on display in Parks Library.