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Inside Iowa State, a newspaper for faculty and staff, is published by the Office of University Relations.

Aug. 24, 2007

Introducing ... Dan Woodin

2007-08 president, Professional and Scientific Council

Position at ISU: Information Systems Leader, Information Technology Services

Arrived at Iowa State: May 1, 1977

Previous service on the council: Council member 1989-96 (two terms as president 1992-94, executive committee member 1990-96); council member 2001-present (executive committee member 2002-present, president 2005-06, president-elect 2006-07)

Council's top goals this year:

  • Work closely with the consultant hired to review ISU's P&S compensation structure.
  • Review the results of the P&S staff survey (PDF file) and move forward on initiatives.
  • Provide continued input for implementation of the Resource Management Model through review of proposed policies and P&S representation on advisory committees and task forces.
  • Create more learning and development opportunities for P&S employees (as identified in the Provost Task Force report, January 2006) and develop management training for supervisors.
  • Develop a performance management policy and program which would require yearly performance appraisals for all P&S employees.
  • Continue discussion on topics such as: arming campus police officers; non-tenure eligible research faculty; accommodating family needs of employees; criminal background checks; flexible pay program; and new awards for P&S employees.

Issue that could be the most important to the council this year:

"The three issues that will require the most effort, with regards to time and participation, will be implementation of the Resource Management Model, P&S compensation review and development of the P&S performance management program."

Thoughts on the year ahead:

"P&S employees are represented well by those they have elected to the P&S Council. The council appreciates the opportunities that the ISU administration has and continues to provide for council involvement in activities that make the university community a great place to work and develop professionally.

"The council has given me a vote of confidence to serve as its president. I will serve in that role on behalf of all P&S employees."

Dan Woodin

Photo by Bob Elbert.


"The council appreciates the opportunities that the ISU administration has and continues to provide for council involvement in activities that make the university community a great place to work and develop professionally."

Dan Woodin