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March 9, 2007


Volunteers sought for middle school science bowl

About 40 volunteers, both scientific and nonscientific, are sought for the annual Ames Laboratory/Iowa State University Middle School Science Bowl April 14 in Hoover and Howe halls. Volunteers serve as moderators, judges, timekeepers and scorekeepers. To learn more or to volunteer, contact Breehan Gerleman, Ames Lab Public Affairs, 4-9750. More information.

Career conferences for girls scheduled for April

The Program for Women in Science and Engineering set spring dates for "Taking the Road Less Traveled," a day-long career conference for girls in grades 6-12. The conference exposes girls to career paths in science, technology, engineering and math. In the morning, participants hear from professional women; in the afternoon they participate in hands-on activities or tours. Dates are: April 5 (grades 9-12), April 12 (grades 6-9) and April 19 (grades 6-9). Registration forms and suggested pre- and post-conference activities are online at For more information, phone (4-5319) or e-mail Kristin.

Got an event for the next ISU Calendar?

The Alumni Association's ISU photo wall calendar (Aug. 1, 2007-Aug. 31, 2008) will be in production soon. If you have events for inclusion on the calendar, send them by April 2 to AshLea Anderson, 214 Richardson Ct., Fisher-Nickell Hall;; fax: 4-9402.

AIDS walk is March 24

AIDS Walk, an ISU student organization, will hold an AIDS Walk beginning at 10 a.m. March 24 at the ISU cross country course (Lied Center, in the case of bad weather). Events include a 3K walk and 5K run. The cost is $20 per person ($15 per person for 10 or more people registering together), which includes a T-shirt and refreshments. On-site registration is $25. Participants also collect donations prior to the walk. Proceeds go to Mid-Iowa Community Action's "Living with HIV" program. Early registration can be done at Sloss House. For more information, contact Avni Sanghi, 515-708-1907.

Entrepreneurial events rescheduled

Several events scheduled for early February and postponed due to weather are back on the calendar. Arthur Brooks, Syracuse University, will present a lecture, "Giving in an Entrepreneurial Culture," from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, March 26, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. Light refreshments will be served.

Brooks and Michael Morris, also of Syracuse and ISU's 2006-07 Hilton Endowed Chair in the College of Human Sciences, will lead a faculty workshop on the teaching and researching of social entrepreneurship from 2 to 3:30 p.m. March 26 in 0331 Palmer. RSVP to Sandra Stewart,, to participate in the workshop.

Pet first aid training

Dr. Kim Langholz, community practice veterinarian at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, will lead a pet first aid training class from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 24, in 2532 Vet Med complex. The intent is to train pet owners, groomers and sitters in basic first aid so they can evaluate and treat minor problems, and safely transport an animal to a veterinarian for care. Class size is limited to 15. The fee is $20; register with the Lincoln Way chapter of the American Red Cross, 232-5104, or online.

Hold the date

Iowa State's ninth annual Learning Communities Institute, "Linking Minds," will be held Monday, May 7, in the Scheman Building. Registration is free. More information is online.