Inside Iowa State

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About Inside

Inside Iowa State, a newspaper for faculty and staff, is published by the Office of University Relations.

Nov. 3, 2006

Accreditation continued

External team cites 'noteworthy progess,' continues accreditation.


Apples sell like hot cakes

The Horticulture Club's apple sales raised over $2,000 for conference costs and scholarships.

Open enrollment

Open enrollment in benefits programs is going on now for faculty, P&S, supervisory and merit staff.

ISU's fallen in Iraq to be honored

A Nov. 10 ceremony will honor two ISU students who died in Iraq.

Quilting contests

Two quilting contests at the 2007 Iowa State Fair will commemorate Iowa State's 150th birthday.

Hidden messages

Hidden Messages

Forensic statisticians

Two ISU mathematicians work to identify photos that hold secret messages.


  • Flu shot clinic
  • Fall Presidential Lecture
  • Lecture on loneliness
  • Snow blower services Nov. 10-11
  • Tearoom etiquette dinner
  • Fund-raiser for Friendships International program
  • A tour of murals
  • Traffic changes at Vet Med
  • More announcements
Chuck Steiner (left) and Mike Retallick

Chuck Steiner (left) and Mike Retallick

Science with practice

A new program has students earning credit as they get paid.

Smoke-free areas proposed

Task force asks for input on latest smoking policy.

Hues return

New color placards will give CyRide passengers old cues for their routes.


'Cat killer

Cyclone Katie Jessen gets one of her 15 kills in recent win over K-State Wildcats.

Where's Bob

Where's Bob?

Do you know where university photographer Bob Elbert found this skeletal structure?

Caterers ready

ISU Catering can help with office party plans.

An Iowa State biorenewables primer

Here's an overview of Iowa State's past and promising future in biorenewables.

Changes in Hilton

The new and improved seats, sign and more at Hilton Colliseum.

Arts & Events

Scene from Figaro

Fun with Figaro

Celebrate Mozart's birthday with an ISU Theatre performace of Figaro.

King's singers

King's Singers to perform Nov. 5.

Bowers to open lecture series

Poet-turned-novelist Neal Bowers will open LAS lecture series.

International Week

Panel discussions, photo contest, dance, dessert fair among events.



Jon Ryan, Vlastislav Bracha, Al Christian, Joseph Sebranek, X.B. Yang and Facilities Planning and Management.


Carol Wright, Lee Furbeck.