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May 18, 2006

Some dining services will change to accommodate OM visitors

by Anne Krapfl

To accommodate the large number of participants and spectators on campus for the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals May 22-28, ISU Dining will alter some of its services as follows:

  • Clyde's Sports Club in the UDCC will be closed May 22-26 to help accommodate visitors dining in the Union Drive neighborhood.
  • From dinner on Tuesday, May 23, through breakfast on Sunday, May 28, the Memorial Union food court will be converted from its usual a la carte service to an all-you-care-to-eat dining venue for OM participants. ISU Dining officials said they expect to serve about 650 people at each meal in the food court. Regular campus customers are encouraged to dine in one of the campus cafes or at Hawthorn Market & Cafe. Guest rates in the food court during this time will be $8 for breakfast, $10 for lunch and $12 for dinner.
  • The MU Café and Onion's C-store, ground floor of the Memorial Union, will provide their usual services, with extended hours.

"We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause for our campus customers," said Kristi Patel, interim assistant director for retail operations. "We thank everyone for their cooperation."

For a detailed listing of dining service changes May 22-28, check ISU Dining's Web site,
