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Feb. 24, 2006 Ombuds applications due March 13by Anne Krapfl The search is on to find Iowa State's first two ombudspersons. Two part-time, term positions are available: one for a recently retired or current tenured faculty member and one for a recently retired or current P&S staff member. A bachelor's degree, at least five years of service at Iowa State and knowledge of Iowa State policies, procedures and administrative offices' functions is required. Each ombudsperson will work 15 hours a week for nine months a year for a pilot period that ends June 30, 2008. (The office structure will be evaluated at that point to see if it's meeting the need on campus.) The ombuds office will serve faculty, P&S staff, supervisory-confidential staff and students. (Leaders of the merit staff decided merit staff have dispute resolution methods that work for them.) In the job description approved in December, ombudspersons will help resolve concerns before they become formal grievances. Their task is to offer confidential, impartial help to employees with work-related problems. They may facilitate discussions between parties or refer those involved to offices on campus for assistance. Their work may compel them to recommend improvements to university policies or procedures. Ombudspersons won't do formal investigations or provide legal advice. "The resolution of disputes and conflicts within any environment requires an understanding of how that environment works. This knowledge is especially critical for our ombuds office to effectively build relationships and networks," said Carla Espinoza, associate vice president for human resource services. "Helping people address conflicts and disputes is a critical element in our attempt to create an environment that allows faculty and staff to flourish." Compensation will be handled differently depending on who gets the positions. Retiree candidates will be hired as contract employees. For current P&S candidates, the ombuds office and the ombudsperson's department will work out a compensation agreement. Faculty candidates will receive release time from department duties. The ombuds positions are 3/8 FTEs. Applications must be submitted online and should include a letter of application, resume and contact information for three references. Go to the ISU "Jobs" Web site and "search vacancies." In the "employing department" frame, select "ombuds office." The application deadline is March 13. |
SummaryTwo part-time ombuds positions will be filled: one for a recently retired or current tenured faculty member and one for a recently retired or current P&S staff member. Each will work 15 hours a week for nine months a year for a pilot period that ends June 30, 2008. |