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Nov. 18, 2005 ![]()
And they even put it in the car for youMembers of the ISU Forestry Club will hold their annual Christmas tree and wreath sale for three weekends, beginning Nov. 26, at the Reiman Gardens maintenance building. The club grows balsam fir, white pine and Scotch pine trees north of Ames for this club fund-raiser. Prices range from $20 to $45 for trees. Sale hours are: Fridays (Dec. 2 and 9) 3-6 p.m.; Saturdays (Nov. 26, Dec. 3 and 10) 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sundays (Nov. 27, Dec. 4 and 11) noon-6 p.m. The students will shake out the loose needles, trim off any stray lower branches and haul the tree to your vehicle. Decorations not included.Submitted photo. |