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September 23, 2005 AnnouncementsGeoffroy on FBI advisory boardPresident Gregory Geoffroy has been named to the FBI's newly created National Security Higher Education advisory board. The board is made up of 16 university presidents and chancellors. In-pay status for some Katrina volunteersUniversity employees who are assigned to state or local emergency response teams (with organizations such as the National Guard or Red Cross) and are called up to assist with Hurricane Katrina relief efforts will receive their university pay, as authorized by Gov. Tom Vilsack. Such employees should consult with their supervisors, who need to confirm that an employee has been "called up." Departments, in turn, need to contact Human Resource Services -- in advance. This will allow the university to document costs, if it later is possible to recover costs from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. University employees who volunteer through other organizations (for example, church congregations or Habitat for Humanity) need to arrange with their supervisors to be on approved leave using their own time. Women nominees soughtThe YWCA of Ames/ISU seeks nominations for its fifth annual Women of Achievement Awards in the categories of: volunteer, student, professional and business/organization. The awards recognize those who've created positive changes for women and girls in the Story County area. Nomination forms (PDF) are online and due Oct. 3. For more information, see Library Datapalooza is Oct. 5Parks Library will host its fourth annual Datapalooza, a free library open house and electronic learning festival, from 3 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5. Librarians will demonstrate use of electronic databases and other library services, and offer advice on creating effective search strategies. There will be refreshments and prizes. Registration is not required. For more information, see Mileage reimbursement goes to 48.5 centsTaking the lead of the U.S. General Services Administration, Iowa State's mileage reimbursement rate has been raised to 48.5 cents per mile (for use of a personal vehicle when a fleet vehicle isn't available). The change reflects higher gasoline prices. In August, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, approved a new mileage reimbursement policy that links the regent universities' mileage reimbursement rate to the federal rate, at the time 40.5 cents per mile. The new policy went into effect Sept. 1. The 48.5 cents/mile rate will be applied to all eligible travel on or after Sept. 1. Bill Cahill, ISU controller's office, said he anticipates the higher rate will be in effect until at least Dec. 31. The mileage reimbursement rate for use of a personal vehicle when a fleet vehicle is available remains at 28.5 cents per mile (the federal rate established last winter). Geoffroy, Barton on radioPresident Gregory Geoffroy and Ames Lab/IPRT director Tom Barton will be guests from 9 to 10 a.m. on the Thursday, Oct. 6, edition of WOI Radio's Talk of Iowa. The live, call-in program airs on WOI-AM (640). Questions can be e-mailed in advance to This program was scheduled for September and pre-empted by national public radio programming. University swim & gym for children begins Sept. 24The health and human performance department will offer a non-competitive swimming and gym class for children in kindergarten to fifth grade. The class begins Saturday, Sept. 24, and meets for 12 weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays (after school) and Saturday mornings. The cost is $36. For more information or to register a child, call Susan Coates, 4-2953. |
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