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January 14, 2005

Students launch tsunami fund-raiser

by Diana Pounds

ISU student groups are collecting donations to aid tsunami disaster victims through Jan. 21.

Tsunami Relief Project volunteers are collecting donations of cash and checks in person and in red collection boxes, which are located throughout campus. Make checks payable to "Tsunami Relief Project."

Alumni who wish to donate can send contributions to Tsunami Relief Project, 211 Memorial Union, Ames, IA 50011.

Collection boxes are at:

  • Residence dining centers and C-stores
  • Residence hall desks
  • Library circulation desk
  • Memorial Union hotel desk
  • 23 Curtiss Hall
  • E105 Lagomarcino Hall
  • 125 MacKay Hall
  • 102 Catt Hall
  • 2130 Jischke Honors Building
  • 10 and 214 Alumni Hall

As they are available, volunteers also will collect donations in the gathering area west of the Hub, outside Kildee Hall and near the food court in the Memorial Union.

Alison Lima, a senior in biology who is leading the campus-wide effort, said 100 percent of donations will go to the American Red Cross "2695-Tsunami/Earthquake Emergency Response 2004 Fund."

Lima said students also will hold a campus memorial service Jan. 19 to remember the victims of the South Asian earthquake and tsunami. The service will be from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Sun Room and Terrace of the Memorial Union.


Tsunami Relief Project volunteers are collecting donations of cash and checks in person and in red collection boxes, which are located throughout campus. Make checks payable to "Tsunami Relief Project."