Inside Iowa State

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About Inside

Inside Iowa State, a newspaper for faculty and staff, is published by the Office of University Relations.

November 5, 2004

Past lives

Martha Isaacson Jane Henning Jerry Stewart

Martha Isaacson

administrative specialist

Jane Henning

assistant to the director
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

Jerry Stewart

Public Safety

Jim Trow Deb Marquart Sandra Gartz

Jim Trow

Extension Distribution Center

Debra Marquart

associate professor

Sandra Gartz

assistant to the director
University Relations

Past lives

Ever dream of leaving it all and starting an entirely different career? Some of your coworkers did just that when they came to Iowa State. Can you match them with their previous jobs?

  • Marshall County auditor
  • TWA airline hostess
  • Extradition officer for the State of Iowa
  • Salmon fisherman and licensed big-game guide
  • High school teacher, drivers' ed and instrumental music
  • Road musician and tombstone sales rep
