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November 5, 2004


Award nominees sought

Nominations are open for more than 35 university awards that recognize outstanding work by faculty and P&S staff. Most nominations are due Feb. 28, 2005, in the provost's office. Recipients will be honored at the fall 2005 convocation. Award details and nomination forms are online at the provost Web site. (Faculty awards:; staff awards:

TIAA-CREF seminars

Two TIAA-CREF seminars will be held Tuesday, Nov. 16. "Building Your Financial Future" begins at noon in the Memorial Union Pioneer Room. The seminar is aimed at employees interested in a self-assessment of their financial situation. "Choosing Your TIAA-CREF Income Options," will begin at 5:30 p.m. in 299 Scheman. Discussion will cover TIAA-CREF income options. To register, contact Sue Muellner, 800-877-6602, or register online at

Registrations set record

College for Seniors courses this fall drew a record high 706 registrations. Approximately 580 people attended one or more College for Senior classes.

Online auction raises funds for scholarships

The department of entomology will hold an online "Mostly Entomological" auction Nov. 8-29 to raise money for undergraduate entomology students. The 75 items to be auctioned range from origami pictures to jewelry and toys. For more information, see

Dealing with childhood bullies

A videoconference on dealing with childhood bullies and kids who are out of control will be held from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Nov. 30 and Dec. 7 in the ISU Extension and 4-H Building. For more information, contact Kimberly Greder,, 4-5906.

Reverse production discussed

Jane Ammons, Georgia Institute of Technology, will discuss recycling and remanufacturing at 3 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 18, in the Howe auditorium. A reception will begin at 2:30 p.m. Her talk will highlight her research on methodology and tools for the strategic design and extension of reverse production systems.


Mary Meixner

Mary Meixner, who retired from the art and design faculty in 1983, died Oct. 27. She was 87. Meixner was on the ISU faculty for 30 years.