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Inside Iowa State, a newspaper for faculty and staff, is published by the Office of University Relations.

October 22, 2004


Teaching excellence

Dr. Holly Bender, associate professor of veterinary pathology, was awarded a top teaching honor from the Student American Veterinary Medicine Association. Bender received the Teaching Excellence Award for Basic Sciences. Bender was cited for her leadership in developing Diagnostic Pathfinder, an innovative clinical instructional software tool.

Civil engineering award

Radhey Sharma, assistant professor of civil, construction and environmental engineering, has been awarded the Telford Medal by the Institute of Civil Engineers. Sharma received the award for a paper he authored on the mechanical and hydraulic behavior of unsaturated soils. The paper appeared in the journal Geotechnique.

Trees Forever award

Iowa State and the department of natural resource ecology and management are the recipients of the 2004 Trees Forever President's Award. The award is presented annually to a small group of recipients that have played a special role on behalf of Trees Forever. Iowa State was cited for research at the National Bear Creek Research and Demonstration site, partnership on an outreach to landowners on water quality initiatives, research on urban forestry and collaboration on low impact development in forested areas.

Honors are printed in Inside on a space-
available basis.

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