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September 10, 2004

President's 04-05 budget, planning committee named

President Gregory Geoffroy will chair a newly appointed President's Advisory Committee on Budget Priorities and Planning. Thirteen faculty and staff members accepted appointments to the committee.

"This year's advisory committee will focus on university-wide issues that must be considered in the budget planning process," Geoffroy wrote in a memo to committee members.

These include

  • recommendations for tuition,
  • evaluation of budget requests for FY 2006,
  • input into the multi-year budget planning model being developed by the Board of Regents,
  • implementation of the Board of Regents policy on internal budget reallocation, and
  • recommendations for faculty and staff salary increases.

The memo also noted that vice presidents would provide input and special task forces might be appointed to address specific issues.

Committee members, in addition to Geoffroy, are

  • Sanjeev Agarwal, Faculty Senate president
  • Claudia Baldwin, Faculty Senate president elect
  • Michelle Bohan, Graduate and Professional Student Senate president
  • Mark Chidister, assistant to the president for budget and planning
  • Kevin Kane, Professional and Scientific Council president
  • April Katz, art and design
  • Barb Licklider, educational leadership and policy studies
  • Sophia Magill, Government of Student Body president
  • Pat Murphy, food science and human nutrition
  • Max Rothschild, animal science
  • Patricia Thiel, chemistry, Ames Laboratory
  • Kurt Thurmaier, political science
  • Judy Vance, mechanical engineering


"This year's advisory committee will focus on university-wide issues that must be considered in the budget planning process."

President Gregory Geoffroy