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July 22, 2004 Wanted: Movers and shakersby Annette Hacker The department of residence seeks volunteers to welcome new students to the residence halls Aug. 17-19. Faculty and staff interested in helping students move in may work for as little as an hour or as long as four hours. Tasks include greeting students and families, directing traffic, holding doors and light-duty carrying. "People who helped last year told us this was a fun and rewarding experience," said Susan Lammers, Buchanan Hall director and event organizer. "It's an excellent way for faculty and staff to connect with students outside of their regular roles at the university. Move-in can be a stressful time for students, and seeing friendly, welcoming faces helps them to know that Iowa State is a good place to be." Volunteers are needed in the Union Drive and Richardson Court neighborhoods. Everyone who pitches in will receive a free T-shirt, cookies and ice water. "This helps get the names of faculty and staff, offices and services out there for students right away. It would be great to have a large representation to provide a warm welcome for our new students," Lammers said. This is the second year for the move-in program, informally dubbed "U-Pack, We Haul." So far, 250 residence hall student volunteers have signed up to help, but Lammers hopes more eager volunteers will flood her "in box." Contact her by Aug. 6 at Provide your name, department, T-shirt size, availability and desired move-in location. |
Quote"It's an excellent way for faculty and staff to connect with students outside of their regular roles at the university." Susan Lammers |
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111. Published by: University Relations, Copyright © 1995-2004, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. |