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Inside Iowa State, a newspaper for faculty and staff, is published by the Office of University Relations.

July 2, 2004


Night-time parking lot repairs planned

Crews will make repairs during the rest of the summer to many campus parking lots at night to avoid inconveniencing campus drivers.

State and federal vehicles left on campus overnight should be parked in lot 68 (the gravel lot east off Haber Road and northeast of the Power Plant). Private vehicles should not be left in campus lots overnight.

Campus road, sidewalk, and parking lot closures are at For information, contact Campus Services at 4-1474.

Insect zoo camps for kids

The ISU Insect Zoo will host two summer camps for elementary-age children at the Ames Izaak Walton League Park. Each day includes a collecting expedition, journaling, crafts and games. For information, contact Abby, 4-4537, e-mail: Registration closes July 9.

The camps are:

  • Whirligigs, for kids entering 1-3 grades, July 26-30 (9 a.m. to noon or 1-4 p.m.), cost: $20/day or $80/week
  • Dragonflies, for kids entering 4-6 grades, Aug. 2-6 (9 a.m.-3 p.m.), cost: $40/day or $180/week


Beyer pool closed until September

The Beyer Hall pool is closed until early September for a major piping and filtration repair and replacement project. The Forker Building pool is open for lap swim from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

Couples sought for psychology department study

Married couples are sought for a study that involves two 10-minute problem-solving discussions. Evening and weekend appointments may be scheduled. Couples receive $60 for participating. For details or to participate in study 03-885, e-mail:

New security policies online

Three new security policies (IT security, computer ethics and acceptable use, and IT security incident reporting) went into effect July 1. Faculty, staff and students are responsible for knowing and adhering to the new policies. The policies are online at


  • Paul Brown, area extension education director in northeast Iowa, to assistant director for the Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources program
  • James Davis, interim director of Academic Information Technologies, to chief information officer and director of AIT
  • Kay Palan, associate professor of marketing, to interim associate dean for undergraduate programs in the College of Business
  • Gerald Miller, associate dean for the College of Agriculture, to director of ISU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources program
  • Ricardo Salvador, associate professor of agronomy, to interim faculty director of the ISU Honors Program; he will work closely with Ricki Shine, associate director of the Honors Program
  • Jim Twetten, manager of Instructional Technology Center, to interim director of the ITC