June 8, 2001
Institute awards research grants
by Teddi Barron
Seven research projects with promising futures have received start-up
funds from the Plant Sciences Institute. The two-year grants were awarded to
faculty through a competitive program intended to stimulate excellence in
plant science research. The projects are described below.
- Alexander Aleshin and Richard Honzatko,
biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology; and Patrick Schnable,
agronomy, will develop a high-throughput process to determine the structure
and function of hundreds of plant proteins. Normally, protein structural
determination is painstakingly slow and done one protein at a time. Their
faster survey approach will complement the work done in large-scale genomics
studies. ($40,000)
- Plants have receptor proteins that detect specific stimuli such as the
presence of disease-causing microbes. Adam Bogdanove, plant
pathology, will work on ways to improve disease resistance in plants by
examining plant pathogen receptors. Modifying the receptors to increase
their ability to recognize diverse pathogenic microbes could be an effective
way to help control plant diseases. ($40,000)
- The ability of breeders to improve plant performance over many
generations is not well understood. Jean-Luc Jannink and Michael
Lee, agronomy, and Rohan Fernando, animal science, will study the
reshuffling of the oat genome that occurs in response to selection over nine
generations to increase oil content. This will increase under-standing and
better predict the outcome of selection processes. ($25,000)
- Shailesh Lal and Volker Brendel, zoology and genetics,
will identify and analyze genes in the model plant, Arabidopsis, that may be
alternatively spliced. During alternative splicing, some pieces of messenger
RNA are linked together differently. Alternative splicing is prevalent in
humans and may account for the large amount of genetic information in the
small number of human genes. ($24,000)
- Molecular approaches to manipulate seed composition could help meet
the growing demand for modified oils and proteins and other plant-based
products. However, scientists don't fully understand how seed metabolism is
regulated. In this project, Jacqueline Shanks, chemical engineering;
Martin Spalding, botany; and Mark Westgate, agronomy; will
develop a non-invasive technology to learn more about the metabolic changes
that control the flow of carbon in living seeds. ($50,000)
- Many advances in agricultural biotechnology have resulted from the
introduction of genes into plants. In general, it is difficult to predict
where introduced genes will end up in a plant genome. Daniel Voytas
and Thomas Peterson, zoology and genetics, will develop a technique
that will allow researchers to target genes to specific sites in the plant
genome. This technology potentially can increase crop value and will be
useful for understanding basic plant biology. ($40,000)
- Plants control the expression of their genes (turn specific sets of
genes on and off) in several different ways in response to environmental
stresses like pathogen infection or heavy metals. This team will develop a
method to simultaneously study the expression patterns of thousands of plant
genes during different stress conditions and determine how the expression of
many of these genes is regulated. The researchers are Steven Whitham
and W. Allen Miller, plant pathology; and David Oliver,
botany. ($40,000)
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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