June 8, 2001
Eighty campus buildings to receive energy plans
by Diana Pounds
Facilities staff turned thermostats up to 78 degrees in buildings
around campus this week -- to save on energy costs and help the university
cope with budget cuts.
However, thermostat adjustments won't occur in temperature-sensitive
research areas, said utilities director David Miller.
"We won't undertake energy-conserving measures in most research areas
until we have developed specific conservation plans for the buildings,"
Miller said. Those plans will be developed in collaboration with building
supervisors and occupants to ensure that temperature changes and other
energy-conserving efforts don't compromise teaching and research activities,
he said.
Facilities teams began developing individual energy conservation plans for
approximately 80 buildings on campus this week. The first buildings
scheduled for energy evaluations are the Administrative Services, Insectary,
Molecular Biology, Sweeney, Town Engineering, General Services and
"For the first evaluations, we tried to pick buildings that have
different functions and types of construction, or that are high energy users
(such as Molecular Biology and Town Engineering)," Miller said.
"That will help us develop blueprints for analyzing other
Once an energy plan for a building is drawn up, it will be shared with the
building supervisor and occupants before energy-conserving actions are
taken, Miller said. ISU officials hope to realize $1.5 million in energy
savings during fiscal year 2002.
Electricity use drops on campus
Electricity use is down at Iowa State, and that's a sign to utilities
director David Miller that faculty and staff have begun pulling the plug on
unneeded equipment and appliances.
Electrical usage has dropped as much as 10 percent for this time of year,
Miller said. (Air conditioning costs are factored out, so the drop isn't a
reflection of the cooler spring.)
"We believe that faculty and staff have begun shutting down computers,
printers and appliances to help save on energy costs, and their efforts are
beginning to pay off," Miller said.
Officials have asked individuals in the campus community to help save
energy by turning off computers, monitors, printers, fax machines, copiers,
lights and other equipment and appliances whenever possible.
"Even with Iowa State's low electric rates, it costs $102 a year to
operate a new, energy-efficient personal computer, monitor and laser
printer," Miller said.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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