May 18, 2001
P&S Council elects 2001-02 officers
Rex Heer, a graphic designer in the Instructional Technology Center, will
serve as president of the Professional and Scientific Council for 2001-02.
Other officers elected during the council's May 3 meeting were vice
president Lynette Hornung, an academic adviser in Engineering undergraduate
programs; secretary-treasurer Sarah Cooney, supervisor of nursing services
in the Student Health Center; and at-large members of the council's
executive board Leigh Elsberry, a research analyst in institutional
research, and Debra Sanborn, a program coordinator in admissions. Officers
will be installed at the June 7 council meeting.
In other council activity, human resource services director Carla Espinoza
announced that Diane Muncrief has been named interim associate director of
human resources for benefits, effective May 1. Muncrief is a human resources
specialist in the benefits office. Former benefits manager Gary Wiggins
retired in February.
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