May 18, 2001
New desktop computers must meet standards
by Diana Pounds
All desktop computers purchased by university departments must meet
minimum standards that went into effect May 1.
Several university-wide groups and committees have been working on the
standards, which are intended to help faculty and staff select new computers
that work well in the campus environment and can be readily maintained and
The standards specify such features as processor speeds, memory and
operating systems for both PC-compatible and Mac desktops.
The new standards also specify that desktop systems be purchased through
the Microcomputer Products Center or the Administrative Data Processing
Center. An exceptions procedure will be in place for purchases that fall
outside the standards.
Among new minimum purchasing standards for PC-compatible desktops are:
Pentium III (866MHz) processor; 128 MB memory (RAM); CD or DVD media; and
Win9x, NT or 2000 operating system.
Among minimum standards for Mac desktops are: G4 (450MGz) processor; 128 MB
memory (RAM); CD or DVD media; and OS9.x operating system.
While there are no specifications for the Linux operating system, computers
purchased to run Linux must otherwise meet the minimum purchase
The standards also include specifications for wired and wireless network
The minimum purchase standards will be evaluated quarterly. The standards
are online at
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