May 18, 2001
Rosenthal named women's center director
Penny Rosenthal, director of Iowa State's Off Campus and Adult Student
Services Office since 1998, has been appointed director of the Margaret
Sloss Women's Center. She begins the new position June 1.
Rosenthal has served as interim director for the women's center since last
November. She received a B.S. in psychology/women's studies and an M.S. in
counseling and higher education from Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Former women's center director Pamela Thomas left Iowa State last summer. A
search for a new director for the Off Campus and Adult Student Services will
be launched soon.
CTE faculty fellows named for 2001-02
Joni Palmer, assistant professor of landscape architecture, and Scott
Chawick, assistant professor in the Greenlee School of Journalism and
Communication, have been selected Center for Teaching Excellence teaching
faculty fellows for the 2001-02 academic year. Fellows help develop and
implement the CTE's programs and develop their own scholarly work related to
teaching and learning. Fellows receive release time from their departments
(up to $12,000 goes to their departments for replacement costs).
Palmer, a published poet, will identify pedagogical strategies for teachers
to use poetry in their classrooms, and develop articles and conference
presentations about implementing poetry as a learning tool. Chadwick will
observe teachers' classroom communicative behaviors to see what is effective
in easing students into learner-centered classrooms rather than
teaching-centered classrooms.
Seagrave on June 6 Talk of Iowa
Interim President Richard Seagrave will be a guest on the Wednesday,
June 6, installment of Talk of Iowa on WOI-AM Radio. The live,
call-in show airs from 10 to 11 a.m. at 640 AM. Questions for Seagrave also
may be submitted in advance via e-mail:
NSF grant supports interdisciplinary work
The statistics department has received a five-year, $2.2 million
research grant from the National Science Foundation. The grant will increase
interdisciplinary research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate
students, postdoctoral fellows and faculty members. Research projects
supported by the grant will involve statistics, mathematics and the applied
"We're not only looking for individuals trained solely in statistics.
I hope we can find postdocs and graduate students who have substantial
quantitative backgrounds, but who also are interested in agronomy, animal
science, ecology, sociology, engineering, computer science, mathematics,
psychology, genetics any number of academic disciplines," said
Dean Issacson, head of the statistics department.
The program will let graduate students incorporate research and problem
solving into their educations at an early stage. Undergraduates will be
assigned to a research group for eight weeks during the summer.
Alumni association sponsors student's trip to Kenya
The ISU Alumni Association awarded its annual $1,000 scholarship to
study in Kenya to Jennifer Firzlaff, a junior in animal science. Firzlaff
will take a class in agriculture and study farming methods in Africa this
summer. She hopes to have a career in zookeeping.
Statistics conference is June 21-22
The ISU statistics department is hosting a workshop June 21-22 to
celebrate the 70th birthday of Wayne Fuller, ISU statistics and a
Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The conference will
include a poster presentation, four invited lecture sessions and a banquet
Friday evening. All events are at The Hotel at the Gateway Center. More
information is available from Sandie Smith, 4-9773, or from the conference
Web site,
Catt workshop applications due June 15
Applications for the Carrie Chapman Catt Centers annual summer
workshop for male and female students entering 11th and 12th grades this
fall are due June 15. This year's workshop, July 18-21, is about the
importance of women and minorities participating in political, economic and
community leadership. Enrollment is limited to 30; tuition is $75 per person
and scholarships are available. More information, including the application
form, is available at the Catt center Web site,
ISU Alumni Association to present Impact Awards
The ISU Alumni Association will hold its annual meeting and Cardinal
and Gold Dinner and Recognition at 6 p.m. Friday, May 18, in the Scheman
Building. The program will feature a state-of-the-university address by
interim President Richard Seagrave. Impact Awards will be presented to
individuals who have enhanced the visibility of the life and work of the
university and alumni association: head football coach Dan McCarney,
President Emeritus W. Robert Parks, past Government of the Student Body
President Ben Golding and football student-athlete J.J. Moses.
Decision on early retirement option still pending
ISU administrators are fielding lots of inquiries about the future of
the early retirement incentive program, which expires June 30, 2002. The
Board of Regents, State of Iowa, has not decided the future of the program,
but expects to make a decision this summer. ISU leaders have asked that the
current policy be extended for three years, to June 30, 2005.
Human resource services director Carla Espinoza said she and her staff will
provide additional information promptly, as it becomes available to
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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