April 27, 2001
Lost senate quorum delays conduct policy vote
by Linda Charles
During a hastily called meeting, the Faculty Senate executive board
added a proposed faculty conduct policy to next week's senate agenda after
the loss of a quorum stalled action on the policy during a special senate
meeting April 24.
Senate president David Hopper had hoped to have the policy, which has been
four years in the making, approved during the special meeting. The senate
needs 50 percent of its 87-member body to declare a quorum, and for awhile
44 of the 50 attending the meeting were senators. But as the evening
progressed, some senators left, making a vote impossible.
Following the meeting, Hopper called executive board members together and
they agreed to add the policy to the already-full May 1 senate agenda.
Hopper hopes to avoid carrying approval of the policy over to the
Under the proposed policy, two routes would address a complaint: mediation
and a formal complaint process.
Both the complainant and the accused must agree to the mediated process,
and if mediation is unsuccessful, a complaint still may be filed through the
formal process.
There are two avenues under the formal process: a faculty review board for
cases where minor sanctions are possible, and a major sanction committee.
Both bodies would be drawn from a pool of faculty nominated by the senate
president and confirmed by the provost. The faculty review board would
report its findings to the provost; the major sanction committee to the
university president.
Several, both senators and other faculty, made suggestions during the
meeting, ranging from wordsmithing to major changes in the structure of the
Virginia Allen, English, asked that the policy not be approved until it was
combined with the appeals process. Senate president-elect Christine Pope,
history, suggested that the complainant, accused and senate each nominate
members for the board or committee, rather than drawing them from an already
established pool.
Senator Dan Ashlock, mathematics, had moved that the proposed policy be
subject to a full faculty vote when the lack of quorum was
The proposed faculty conduct policy may be downloaded from the documents
section of the Faculty Senate Web site at:
The senate will continue discussion of the policy Tuesday, May 1. The
meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. in 260 Scheman. Meeting coverage will be
available online May 3 from Today's News.
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