April 27, 2001
Regents approve faculty P&T list, student residence rates for 2001-02
by Anne Krapfl
New student housing rates, parking permit fees for fiscal year 2002 and
Iowa State's faculty promotion and tenure list this spring were among the
items approved by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, during its April 18
meeting in Vinton. The regents:
- Approved new residence department rates, which take effect as early as
May 6. The typical double-occupancy room with 20 meals/week board plan is up
5.3 percent over current rates, to $4,666 per year. Hawthorn Court apartment
rents will go up 5.4 percent for single-occupancy bedrooms. Family
apartments in Schilletter and University villages will go up between 3.1
percent and 8.5 percent, depending on unit size and location.
- Approved parking permit fees for the year that begins July 1. The new
rates equal approximately a 4 percent increase when rounded to an even
dollar amount and are as follows: $59 (general staff and department), $89
(vendor), $295 (reserved) and $590 (24-hour reserved). The new rates also
follow a Transportation Advisory Council recommendation that the reserved
rate is five times the general staff rate and the 24-hour reserved rate is
10 times the general staff rate.
- Referred to the Interinstitutional Committee on Educational
Coordination a proposal to merge three departments in the College of Family
and Consumer Sciences (textiles and clothing; hotel, restaurant and
institution management; and family and consumer sciences education and
- Set a public hearing date (7 p.m. Thursday, May 10, ISU Memorial Union
Gold Room) on the Merit system pay plan for fiscal year 2002. Comments will
be forwarded to the regents at their May 16-17 meeting, when they will be
asked to approve the pay plan.
- Accepted the list of 65 promoted faculty. A year ago, Iowa State
promoted 58 faculty members. The list includes 20 women and 45 men.
Thirty-eight faculty members were granted tenure. Following is the list of
faculty promotions and tenure.
College of Agriculture
- Promotion to professor (already tenured): David Hennessy, economics;
Larry Trede, agricultural education and studies; Chris Tuggle, animal
science; Daniel Voytas, zoology and genetics.
- Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Charles Burras, agronomy;
Gregory Courtney, entomology; Jeffery Lorimor, agricultural and biosystems
College of Business
- Promotion to professor (already tenured): Mark Power, finance;
Sridhar Ramaswami, marketing.
- Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Samuel DeMarie,
- Tenure without promotion (as associate professor): Brian
logistics, operations and management information systems.
College of Design
- Promotion to professor with tenure: Gregory Palermo, architecture.
- Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Katherine Schwennsen,
College of Education
- Promotion to professor (already tenured): Nancy Evans, educational
leadership and policy studies; Jerry Gilley, educational leadership and
policy studies; Brian Hand, curriculum and instruction.
- Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Donald Hackmann,
educational leadership and policy studies; Connie Hargrave, curriculum and
instruction; Scott McLean, health and human performance.
College of Engineering
- Promotion to professor (already tenured): L. Scott Chumbley, materials
science and engineering; Rodney Fox, chemical engineering; Kurt
chemical engineering; Mustafa Khammash, electrical and computer engineering;
R. Ganesh Rajagopalan, aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics.
- Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Srinivas Aluru,
electrical and computer engineering; Carolina Cruz-Neira, electrical and
computer engineering; Timothy Ellis, civil and construction engineering;
Brian Gleeson, materials science and engineering; Surya
chemical engineering; Dennis Vigil, chemical engineering.
- Tenure without promotion (as associate professor): Srinivas
mechanical engineering.
College of Family and Consumer Sciences
- Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Sue Crull, human
development and family studies; Chalandra Bryant, human development and
family studies.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Promotion to professor (already tenured): Paul Canfield, physics and
astronomy; Alicia Carriquiry, statistics; Douglas Epperson, psychology;
Kathleen Hickok, English; Vasant Honavar, computer science; Kristen
Johansen, zoology and genetics; Marie Lathers, foreign languages and
literatures; Gordon Miller, chemistry; Jacob Petrich, chemistry; Jianwei
Qiu, physics and astronomy; Mark Rectanus, foreign languages and
literatures; Dorothy Winsor, English.
- Promotion to professor with tenure: Volker Brendel, zoology and
- Promotion to professor (collaborator without tenure): Charles
zoology and genetics.
- Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Susan Conrad, English;
Jane Davis, English; William Gallus, geological and atmospheric sciences;
Neal Iverson, geological and atmospheric sciences; Frank
Krennrich, physics
and astronomy; Jacquelyn Litt, sociology; Debra Marquart,
English; Michelle
Mattson, foreign languages and literatures; James McGlew, foreign languages
and literatures; Sylvia Munsen, music; Jean Opsomer,
statistics; Marzia
Rosati, physics and astronomy; Elizabeth Sadilek, music;
Xiaoming Wang,
mathematics; Yuhong Yang, statistics.
College of Veterinary Medicine
- Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Michael
veterinary clinical sciences; Steven Sorden, veterinary diagnostic and
production animal medicine; Kyoung-Jin Yoon, veterinary diagnostic and
production animal medicine.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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