April 27, 2001
Ask an expert
Q: What fun things can we do this year to jazz up our yards?
Cynthia Hayes, assistant professor
A: Planting annuals will jazz up your yard. There's a whole series
of "Wave" petunias that would be good. They are good in containers
and as ground cover. They have bright colors and make "waves" of
purple, pink, etc. And they are incredibly easy to grow. Statues, fountains
and other art objects also are popular in gardens. Check out the latest in
unusual water sprinklers that also are very
artistic. |
Gary Hightshoe, professor
landscape architecture
A: I'd suggest planting a wild flower that holds a connection to
some place. We all vacation, travel, have romantic interludes in the
prairies and wood-lands. So I'd suggest a commemorative plant to be a
reminder of a special friend, loved one or experience of place. Another
welcome idea is to plant a tree for all the environmental benefits it
accrues. I would not suggest a particular type because everyone plants about
five trees here, leaving us susceptible to catastrophes, like Dutch Elm
disease. Plant diversity is important to sustaining landscapes. I would pick
a native tree, for its resilience in our harsh climate and for its
environmental benefits. |
Jeffrey Iles, associate professor
A: Turfgrass is important in the home landscape, but I'm always
looking for ways to reduce the amount of time I spend mowing. One way to do
this is to create large beds in the yard devoted to plants -- annuals, or
combinations of annuals, perennials, shrubs and small trees. You can
position these accent beds in those hot, dry problem spots where the turf
seems to struggle year after year. Spring also is a good time to add a tree
or two to the yard, but make sure you provide the appropriate amount of room
and sunlight/shade conditions they require. And don't forget about flowering
trees. There are lots of excellent flowering crab apples that are perfect
for spicing up the home landscape. But if these ideas are still too tame,
you could always try pink flamingos or a gazing ball. |
Michael Martin, assistant professor
landscape architecture
A: My first visit to Ames was during March, five years ago, and what
struck me about the landscape was the persistent wind and the visual
openness. I would recommend capitalizing on both these qualities -- use
"wind sculpture," which can mean anything from a simple toy
pinwheel to more elaborate devices, sold at garden centers, that twirl,
flutter and spin. A great variety of hardy ornamental grasses are becoming
available, which also move freely in the wind and provide a contrast with
more traditional plantings. Many of these ornamental grasses are on display
at Reiman Gardens -- a great place to find inspiration for residential
landscapes. |
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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