April 27, 2001
WOI Radio received a pledge of $10,000 from the Maytag Foundation
during its spring membership drive, not the figure reported in the April 13
Animal science gets acting department head
University Professor M. Douglas Kenealy has been named acting head of
the department of animal science. Former department head Dennis Marple has
returned to teaching and research. An internal search for a new department
head is planned this spring.
Campus lost and found
ISU Surplus, a division of Central Stores, will pick up lost and found
items. ISU Surplus holds the items for three weeks and then sells them.
Calls for lost items should be referred to ISU Surplus, 4-5550.
Seagrave on Talk of Iowa
Interim President Richard Seagrave will be a guest on the May 10
edition of Talk of Iowa on WOI Radio. The live, call-in program airs
from 10 to 11 a.m. on WOI-AM. Questions for Seagrave also may be submitted
in advance via e-mail: talk@iastate.edu.
Change your pay plan now
Tenured, tenure-track and adjunct faculty on 9-month (B base)
appointments and 9- and 10-month P&S employees may enroll in the
12-month pay plan for the fiscal year that begins July 1. They also may
change back to the 9-month plan. Application forms for either option are due
by 5 p.m. July 10 to the payroll office, 3608 ASB. Employees are eligible
for the 12-month option in July following the academic year in which their
ISU employment began. For more information or a form, contact the payroll
office, 4-6556.
Stange Road construction
Stange Road, between Pammel Drive and Daley Drive, will be closed for
construction beginning Monday, May 7. A 150-yard stretch of the road under
the Union Pacific railroad truss will be replaced. Vehicles will be rerouted
to Haber Road and Hyland Avenue; pedestrians to two tunnels under the
railroad. CyRide buses also will use Haber Road. Stange Road is expected to
reopen around Aug. 1.
Candidate pulls out of search
Jay Whelan, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has withdrawn from the
search for a director for Iowa State's Center for Designing Foods to Improve
Summer sessions
Iowa State's two summer sessions will run May 21-July 13 and June
18-Aug. 10, respectively. Summer commencement is Saturday, Aug. 11.
Tuition grant application deadline
The application deadline for the Merit and Professional and Scientific
tuition grant programs for summer session is Friday, May 18. Applicants
should complete a form, found at
http://www.iastate.edu/~hrs_info/ClassComp/p&sforms.html (for P&S
employees) or
http://www.iastate.edu/~hrs_info/ClassComp/meritforms.html (for Merit
employees). The size of the grants hasn't been set yet for the summer
semester. Questions should be directed to Megan Wolf, 4-6458,
Bicycle auction May 1
Central Stores will hold a bicycle auction at 5 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, on
the lawn south of the surplus sale warehouse on Kooser Drive. About 100
unclaimed bicycles will be sold. Buyers must pay in cash. Bikes will be
available for viewing after 3 p.m. For more information, call
Vet Med students raise $5,000 for 'Ark' project
Vet Med students raised more than $5,000 for "Ark of Hope,"
sponsored by Heifer Project International. The gift sponsors an "Ark'
in which 15 types of life-giving animals (cows, chickens, llamas, water
buffalo) are given to 30 needy families around the world. Each family that
receives an animal will pass on one or more of the animal's offspring to
other families. The students' fund raising began in October and included
penny wars, food sales, alumni donations and pop can redemptions.
Student retention project teams will share results
Four teams that received student recruitment and retention grants this
year from the P&S Council will summarize their projects during a noon
open forum Thursday, May 3, in the Memorial Union Pioneer Room. The
presenting projects are "Students Recruiting Students" (forestry
department), "Partners in the Laboratory" (College of Engineering
and IPRT), "The Student Connection: A Mentoring Program" (for
freshman students with learning disabilities), and "Cyclone
Scholars" (student leaders who organize academic workshops for student
organizations). Thirteen proposals received grants totaling $30,000 this
Lavender Graduation is May 3
The fourth annual Lavender Graduation ceremony, honoring lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender and ally students (graduating fall 2000, spring 2001
or August 2001) will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, May 3, in the
Memorial Union Sun Room. Participating students were asked to register,
4-5433, by April 26.
Culture Corps grant proposals sought
The Culture Corps grants program is accepting proposals for 2001-02.
Sponsored by International Education Services and the Vice President for
Student Affairs Office, the grants provide funds to faculty and staff to
hire undergraduate students who assist in internationalizing classes and
programs. Applications and information are available at
Applications will be evaluated from July 1 through Sept. 14, or until funds
are allocated.
Ward is claims administrator
Joan Ward, the new claims administrator in the Office of Risk
Management, will coordinate claims for insurance and self-insurance
programs, workers compensation and the university vehicle liability program.
Contact Ward, 4-7083, for help with workers compensation, reporting losses,
claim investigation, tort liability, builders risk, contract liability or
commercial insurance claims.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
Copyright © 1995-2001, Iowa State University. All rights reserved.