April 13, 2001
Caps stall senate talks
by Linda Charles
The Faculty Senate is reconsidering whether a proposed policy that
would provide temporary faculty longer employment opportunities also should
limit the amount of non-tenure track teaching at Iowa State.
In March, the senate deleted a section of the policy that called for
limiting the percentage of course hours taught by non-tenure track faculty
(15 percent in any department, and 5 percent in any college and the
university as a whole).
At the April 10 meeting, senate president-elect Christine Pope, who chaired
the task force that developed the policy, presented an amendment to
reinstate higher caps -- 25 percent in any department and 15 percent for
colleges and the university as a whole.
However, the senate could not agree on how to define the percent-ages. Some
thought it should be based on the number of courses in a department; others
said it should be based on number of student credit hours.
The proposal was tabled until the next meeting to allow the task force time
to clearly define how the percentages would be determined.
The next regular senate meeting is Tuesday, May 1. The senate will hold a
special meeting to discuss a proposed conduct policy on Tuesday, April 24.
Both meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. in 260 Scheman.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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