April 13, 2001
Getting a bang out of science
They blow it up, freeze it or make it glow all in the name of science. The
Society of Chemistry Undergraduate Majors (called SCUM) puts on about six
shows a year, showing the audiences (frequently elementary students) that
chemistry can be fun ... and noisy. During a demonstration at Roosevelt
School in Ames earlier this semester, the chemistry club members offered a
flaming watermelon (above), liquids that changed colors or glowed in the
dark and lots of loud explosions, causing some in the audience to cover
their ears. The kids snacked on marshmallows that had been frozen with
liquid nitrogen and got to try their own experiments. And in the midst of
all this fun, the chemistry club members manage to sneak in a few chemistry
principles for good measure. Photos by Michael Haynes.
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