April 13, 2001
Campus bus shuttles to expand this fall
by Anne Krapfl
To encourage bus ridership on campus and reduce the number of personal
vehicles needing parking stalls, CyRide will make its "Orange"
campus shuttle free at all stops for all riders beginning in August and add
a second shuttle that circulates in the opposite direction around campus.
The new "Gold" route will begin running in the early fall,
according to Bob Bourne, transit director at CyRide.
The changes are the result of a referendum on the Government of the Student
Body (GSB) ballot last month and approved by students by nearly a 4 to 1
margin. The proposal is for CyRide to become fare-free for ISU students
through a funding agreement with the university, in which the university
pays $4.50 per student per semester and student fees are increased $9 per
student per semester, beginning in fall 2002. The student fee increase for
the 2002-03 academic year still is subject to approval by the Board of
Regents, State of Iowa, in October.
Vice president for business and finance Warren Madden said he is hopeful
Iowa State can honor its part of the deal.
"Before the possibility of budget cuts came up, we indicated we were
supportive of the student proposal," Madden said. "I think this
will come together, assuming the regents sign off on the higher student
fees. I don't know at what level they'll [regents] say, That's too
Madden said parking division revenues and reallocations within the
university's operating budget are likely funding sources for Iowa State's
Madden emphasized that the campus shuttles aren't just about making
students happy. He said higher use of bus transportation --by students and
employees -- will ease demand on campus parking lots. He also said he hopes
employees will use the shuttles to move quickly across campus during the
work day. Human resource services employees temporarily housed in the
Wallace Road Office Building have told him the Orange route is the most
efficient way to get back to central campus.
Following the GSB election, student leaders looked into options for phasing
in expanded CyRide service over two years. Phase 1 -- the free shuttles --
begins this fall; one-year funding will come from a GSB reserve fund for new
projects, and an increase in the "designated tuition" portion of
student tuition and fees for fall 2001. Phase 2 -- a system-wide, free
CyRide service for ISU students -- would begin in fall 2002 if regents
approve the additional $9 per student per semester fee.
"I hope this works out well for Iowa State. This plan isn't
irreversible, but we'd like to give it a shot," said GSB president Ben
Golding. "We can go back to the farebox system if things don't work out
over time."
Madden said there isn't money now to pay for a "fare-free" option
for all routes for faculty and staff. However, the ISU parking division
continues to support a half-price, all-you-can-ride fare card for faculty
and staff. Employees pay half the face value of the pass; parking division
subsidizes the other half. This year, about 240 employees have purchased a
card for one of several options offered (semester, academic year, winter
months only).
In a nutshell: Phase I, Fall 2001
- Friday, Aug. 24: The Orange route, from central campus to the
Vet Med campus via the Iowa State Center commuter lots, becomes free for all
riders at all stops. The Brown route, which connects the ISU Research Park
to central campus via the Towers residence halls and Welch Avenue, also
becomes a free route for all riders from the Towers to points north. The
Brown route includes a loop through central campus via Union Drive, Osborn
Drive and Morrill Road.
- Mid fall semester: A new Gold route, a free, clockwise variation
of the Orange route, will swing through the Greek neighborhood south of
campus and go as far north as Pammel Drive between Bissell and Wallace
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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