March 30, 2001
Regents approve new M.S. degree in info tech
by Anne Krapfl
During its meeting March 21-22 in Cedar Falls, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa approved a new M.S. program in information systems within the College of Business. The program, coordinated by the department of logistics, operations and management information systems, is intended to provide skills beyond what is needed for entry-level positions.
In other action, the regents:
- Approved an honorary doctorate of science degree for ISU alumnus Keith Robert Yamamoto ('68, biochemistry and biophysics), who is internationally known for his research in steroid hormone receptors. The honorary degree will be conferred during commencement weekend this May.
- Reviewed proposed rate increases for room and board (5.3 percent) in the residence system for academic year 2001-02, and for parking permits (approximately 4 percent rounded to a full dollar amount) for FY2002. Rates will be set at the April meeting.
- Approved a project statement for a new north campus child care facility (proposed for University Village, to replace the existing center in west Pammel Court). Next up in the process is a schematic design, including detailed project budget.
- Approved a revised budget for a bus terminal, with restrooms, in the Iowa State Center parking lot. Construction is scheduled to start this summer, with the building ready for use sometime in November.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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