March 30, 2001
Pharmacy coverage change for those in ISU Plan
Beginning April 1, Iowa State employees covered by the ISU Plan will be able to get a 90-day supply of "maintenance" drugs from retail pharmacies, but pay out-of-pocket costs for only two months' worth of the purchase.
The new option in the ISU Plan will work like this: The employee purchases a 90-day supply of a maintenance drug. (The health insurer determines which drugs are maintenance drugs; generally, they are medications taken on a regular basis.) For the 90-day supply, the employee contributes two months' of the co-payment (out-of-pocket pay). At $7 per month for generic drugs and $15 per month for brand name drugs, the employee's contribution is either $14 or $30 for the 90-day prescription. The remainder of the cost is picked up by the insurance company.
Currently, the ISU Plan only covers prescription purchases for one month, said Kevin Stow, benefits specialist in human resource services.
"The University Benefits Committee decided to offer the 90-day option in response to a number of suggestions. It's an added convenience for our employees and retirees."
The new option applies to employees and dependents who have ISU Plan Indemnity, PPO and HMO medical insurance. Employees should check with their health insurer to find out if their prescriptions are considered maintenance drugs.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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