March 30, 2001
Internal search under way
An internal search is under way
to fill the position of assistant to the president for budget planning and analysis at Iowa State. The position formerly was held by Rab Mukerjea, who recently left Iowa State for a similar position at Purdue University.
The search is open to current ISU P&S staff and faculty. The assistant to the president coordinates and oversees activities involving the university bud-get; strategic planning; and preparation of materials for the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. The assistant to the president also supervises the directors of Institutional Research and Internal Audit.
Information on the position and application process is online at http://www.iastate.edu/~hrs_info/jobs/jobs.html.
Seagrave on Talk of Iowa
Interim president Richard Seagrave will be a guest on WOI Radio's Talk of Iowa show on Wednesday, April 4. The live, call-in program begins at 10 a.m. on WOI-AM (640).
Extension units merge
Extended and Continuing Education has merged with Extension Communication Systems into a new unit called Continuing Education and Communication Services (CECS). To reach CECS, call 4-6222 (continuing education) or 4-9915 (communication services), or go to these Web sites: http://www.lifelearner.iastate.edu or http://www.extension.iastate.edu.
Volunteers needed
Volunteers are needed for the
May 24-26 Iowa State Summer Special Olympics games during opening ceremonies Thursday evening, half-day blocks on Friday and on Saturday morning. Applications are available at the Memorial Union front desk, Lied Center, Student Health Center, Osborn Cottage, Student Answer Center in Pearson, and Health and Human Performance office in Forker and are due April 27. For more information, contact Elizabeth Beck, 4-4372, e-mail lcbeck@iastate.edu, or the Ames Convention and Visitors Bureau, 232-4032.
Students present fashions
Student designers will show off their fashions on Friday and Saturday, April 6-7. "Textiles and Clothing Style Show 2001: MOSAIC" begins at
7 p.m. both nights in Fisher Theater. Tickets, on sale at TicketMaster locations, are $8 for Friday's show and $10 for Saturday (awards night).
A little opera, a little dessert
The Iowa State Opera Studio will present an "Evening of Opera Scenes and Sweets" at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 7, in Tye Hall, Music Building. Featured will be the one-act opera, Sweet Betsy from Pike, and excerpts from other operas. Café Diem will sell coffee and desserts during intermission. Tickets, $5, are on sale in the music department and at the door.
Memorial symposium in June
A symposium to honor the lifetime work of distinguished professor of biochemistry James Olson, who died last fall, will be held June 21-24 in Scheman.
The symposium will emphasize current research and public health topics from international nutrition to molecular biology.
A symposium Web site is at http://molebio.iastate.edu/~gfst/olsonsymp.html. To register, contact GFST conferences, 3208 Molecular Biology, 4-7878, e-mail: gfst@iastate.edu.
Research exhibit on Germany
A poster exhibit on "Research in Germany" will be in the Parks Library atrium April 2-30. An opening ceremony will be held from 4:15 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 4. Speakers will include Michael Engelhard, counsel general of the Federal Republic of Germany in the United States. Also on Wednesday, Engelhard will discuss contemporary Germany from 3:10 to 4 p.m. in 207 Marston. A reception from 5 to 6 p.m. will be held in the Memorial Union Gold Room.
New address for AccessPlus
AccessPlus, ISU's Web gateway to personal information and services for students, faculty and staff, has moved to the new address:
http://accessplus.iastate.edu. ADP Center staff have made several improvements to AccessPlus, including allowing users to log in using their university IDs (as an alternative to Social Security numbers).
Learning communities eyed
The 2001 Learning Community Institute (May 7-8 in Scheman) will feature Jean MacGregor, co-director of the National Learning Communities Project at the Washington Center for Improving the Quality of Under-graduate Education, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Wash. Educational sessions will include curriculum linking, peer mentors, best practices in learning communities, service learning and assessment. Registration is required by April 13. Information is online at
http://www.iastate.edu/~learncommunity/institute/. For more information, contact Larry Ebbers, 4-8067, or Shari Ellertson, 4-2545.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
Copyright © 1995-2001, Iowa State University. All rights reserved.