March 9, 2001
Faculty senators elected
The following faculty have been elected or re-elected by their departments
to three-year terms in the Faculty Senate:
Agriculture: Cary Trexler, agricultural education and studies;
Michael Owen, agronomy; Jon Tollefson, entomology; Loren
Stephens, horticulture; and Dennis Bazylinski,
Business: Frederick Dark, finance; and G. Premkumar,
logistics, operations and management information.
Design: Gary Hightshoe, landscape architecture.
Education: Brian Hand, curriculum and instruction.
Engineering: John Lamont, electrical and computer engineering;
Carolyn Heising, industrial and manufacturing systems
Family and Consumer Sciences: Joan Herwig, human development and
family studies; Clark Ford, food science and human nutrition; and
Ann Marie Fiore, merged FCS departments.
Liberal Arts and Sciences: Shu-Min Huang, anthropology; John
Robyt, biochemistry and biophysics; Walt Trahanovsky, chemistry;
Mike Chen, geological and atmospheric sciences; Connie Post,
foreign languages and literatures; Donald Simonson, music; Carla
Fehr, philosophy; Joel Moses, political science; and Peter
Korsching, sociology.
Veterinary Medicine: Doug Jones, pathology.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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