March 9, 2001
Dining center offers employee charge accounts
ISU employees may charge meals -- breakfast, lunch or dinner -- in
the residence hall dining centers and pay the bill through payroll deduct.
Purchases in the three convenience stores (Friley, Maple and Wallace halls)
also may be paid through this charge account.
The new service was tested last fall with human resource services employees
who were moved from Beardshear Hall to the Wallace Road Office Building,
according to Stewart Burger, director of campus dining services. It is
available to all faculty and staff now.
"The benefits are that you don't need cash to come and enjoy a
meal, and we offer a 10 percent discount on meal prices purchased through
this system," Burger said. He emphasized that employees aren't
purchasing a meal plan; they pay only for the meals they eat.
Employees need to fill out a form to open a charge account for meals. The
forms are available in 1215 Friley or from any dining center office. For
more information, contact Kent Johnson, dining systems coordinator,
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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