February 23, 2001
Not your usual musical lineup
by Debra Gibson
In a lyrical twist to "Organ Awareness Month," ISU's Friends of Music
have arranged a February celebrity concert to help guarantee good health for
the university's keyboards.
In particular, the group is raising money to assure ongoing maintenance of
the university's prized Brombaugh organ, built for Iowa State by John
Brombaugh in 1987. The Friends of Music hope to raise $5,000 in upkeep funds
for the Brombaugh, practice organs, multiple pianos and the university's
harpischord. Benefit concerts have been going on throughout February.
"These concerts will get them [the fundraisers] started," said David
Gieseke, spokesperson for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
The Monday, Feb. 26, performance will feature numerous campus and community
artists. The highlight of the concert will be "Scenes of Childhood,"
narrated by interim President Richard Seagrave and showcasing LAS Dean Peter
Rabideau on cowbell and his wife, Jennifer Rabideau, on organ.
Other performers will include:
- Karol Burkhalter Crosbie, ISU Alumni Association, violin.
- Laurence Burkhalter, emeritus music faculty, viola.
- David Carter-Lewis, physics and astronomy, accordion.
- Lynn Zeigler, ISU organ music program, organ.
- John Clem, physics and astronomy, baritone.
- Stacy Cullison, ISU Foundation, piano.
- Pat Moline, ISU Foundation, soprano.
- Randy Compton, WOI Radio, piano.
The concert will be held from 5:20 to 6 p.m. in the Martha-Ellen Tye Recital
Hall. Tickets ($5 for adults and $1 for students) are available at the music
department office and will be sold at the door.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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