February 23, 2001
Panel features Civil War enacters
by Steve Sullivan In conjunction with a new History Channel
documentary, a panel discussion on "The Unending Civil War," will begin at 8
p.m. Thursday, March 1, in the Memorial Union Sun Room.
The panel will include Civil War reenactors Joseph McGill and John Krausse,
who are featured in a documentary, The Unending Civil War, which
premiered Feb. 19 on the History Channel. Glen Kirshbaum, the documentary's
writer, director and producer, also will be on the panel. Clips of the
documentary will be shown. Mary Sawyer, associate professor of religious
studies, will moderate.
McGill is the founder of Company "I" 54 Massachusetts Reenactment Regiment.
The real regiment inspired the award-winning movie, Glory, in which
McGill appeared.
Krausse has been involved in Civil War reenacting for 15 years and lectures
on the experiences, lifestyles and songs of Confederate soldiers. He
portrays a second sergeant in the 1st Tennessee Regiment (Archer's Brigade).
Kirshbaum won Emmy Awards for Hitler: Man and Myth. His company,
Greystone Communications, has produced more than 500 hours of television
programming for various networks, including NBC, A&E and the Discovery
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